Two Patrollers Killed When their Explosives Accidentally Detonated at Morillon Ski Resort, France

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morillon, france, europe
Morillon Ski Resort, France. Credit: Facebook

Two ski patrollers have been killed when devices used to trigger controlled avalanches accidentally exploded at the Morillon Ski Resort in the French Alps.

The high mountain gendarmerie of the Haute-Savoie region said the accident happened Sunday morning in Morillon before the ski slopes were opened to the public. Police officers are investigating the scene to determine the cause of the rare accident.

The two employees were preparing the pistes by carrying out controlled explosions before the slopes opened – mitigating the risk of larger avalanches and protecting skiers.

morillon, france, europe
Morillon Ski Resort, France

Reports state police confirming that they were killed by the explosion and did not die after being caught up in the avalanche the blast set off.

The risk of an avalanche was estimated at “high” Sunday in Morillon, with a rating of 4 on a scale of 1 to 5 following a heavy snowfall overnight.

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2 thoughts on “Two Patrollers Killed When their Explosives Accidentally Detonated at Morillon Ski Resort, France

  1. The featured photo is on the domain of Flaine (Col du Colonney) part of the Grand Massif ski area. Morillon is situated practically at the opposite side of the same Grand Massif, with most of its slopes within the tree line. This picture does not represent in any way the scenery found at Morillon, nor the terrain where this tragic accident occured.

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