Powder Mountain, UT Report: Full-on Spring Corn-Skiing & Learning How to Tele-Ski

Martin Kuprianowicz | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
Tele-skiing is weird, hard, and awesome. Shown here is me attempting to learn this free-heel foolery at Powder Mountain, UT last weekend. | Photo courtesy SnowBrains

Brought to you by 10 Barrel Brewing 

Report from Saturday, April 3, 2021

The snow is soft, the sun is strong, the air is hotโ€”what better way to wrap up this below-average snow year in Utah than by trying something new?

We started skiing at Powder Mountain on Saturday at 1:30 pm and the snow was mostly hot and sticky with pockets of super fun corn-skiing here and there.

Most flat areas near the chairs were slushy and slowed you down while islands of steep groomers and tree runs still held that epic, Spring corn-snow which all of us skiers know and love.

Me on some good corn-snow. | Photo courtesy SnowBrains

It was a relaxed Saturday comprised of sunny, 60-degree weather and mellow, smooth groomer laps.

I was on teles learning while my girlfriend was learning alpine skiing, putting us both around the same level, although it seems like sheโ€™s picking up alpine skiing more quickly than I am tele.

We pulled up to Hidden Lake and darted over to Maryโ€™s bowl with a mindset to explore the mountain rather than charge hard. 

Bri ski. | Photo courtesy SnowBrains

One groomer on the way to the Village Chair which connected to Maryโ€™s held perfect corn snow that had me really digging this whole tele-skiing thing.

Iโ€™ve found that tele-skiing is immensely flowy and a lot more engaging than alpine skiingโ€”but not necessarily easier. 

It was my second day ever tele-skiing and Iโ€™m still working on not bringing my leg so far back when I drop my knee and keeping a tighter stance.

Slushy snow still makes for a fun time. | Photo courtesy SnowBrains

We didnโ€™t ski that hard but we sure did enjoy the captivating views that Pow Mow never fails to provide.

Powder Mountain is such a relaxing ski areaโ€”especially in the Spring when the sun is shining and the vibes are high.

Itโ€™s just a shame that this place is already closing on the 11th!

On a high note though, lift tickets at Powder Mountain are 50% off this week and it might snowโ€”just a heads up!


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Snow Numbers

Courtesy Powder Mountain 4/5/21


Courtesy NOAA 4/5/21


Photo courtesy SnowBrains
Photo courtesy SnowBrains
Photo courtesy SnowBrains
Photo courtesy SnowBrains
Photo courtesy SnowBrains

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One thought on โ€œPowder Mountain, UT Report: Full-on Spring Corn-Skiing & Learning How to Tele-Skiโ€

  1. Come on, how hard can telyโ€™ing be? Move forward, dip a knee, throw the ball. Oh wait, thatโ€™s bowling. Carry on

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