Rope Evacuation Required After 2 Chairs Collided at Big Sky Resort, MT

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Two chairs collided at the Shedhorn lift, Big Sky Resort, MT, resulting in a rope evacuation. Credit:

An emergency rope evacuation was required at Big Sky Resort, Montana, on Wednesday, April 17, when two chairs on the Shedhorn lift collided due to a mechanical issue. 

โ€œWitnessed the second chair slide back across the cable onto the first chair morning of April 17th. Hope everyoneโ€™s alright and that big sky got everyone off to lift in a timely manner. Saw this and said nope โ€“ a large group trekked a mile back up to the skittles road cat track.โ€

โ€“ Reddit user retailarbitrage

Some riders chose to hike the one mile out of the zone. Credit:

The incident, first reported on LiftBlog, occurred around 11:40 a.m. Lift maintenance and ski patrol quickly responded, and the evacuation was completed by 2:00 p.m. Some guests chose to hike a mile out of the remote Shedhorn area on the backside, south-facing side of Big Sky Resort.

That morning, Big Sky reported 14โ€ณ of fresh snow, 16โ€ณ in the previous five days, and a 61โ€ณ base. The resort plans to stay open until April 28.

Big Sky
Big Sky backside map.

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