The Ski Retreat โ€“ Intentional Weekends in the Mountains for Adventurous Women Who Ski and Snowboard

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ski retreat, adventurous women, california
Are you a skibum AND a bosslady? Then The Ski Retreat is just for youโ€ฆ Credit: Rachel Friedman Elberts

Calling all Adventurous women. Women who make life happen more than they watch it go by. Women who bring passion to whatever it is that they do. Women who canโ€™t not.

Weโ€™re super stoked to introduce you to The Ski Retreat an organized intentional weekend in the mountains for women skier and snowboarders to create space to connect, disconnect, learn, play, and of course shred. Together.

ski retreat, adventurous women, california
Days will be spent shredding, falling, progressing, and laughing. Credit: Rachel Friedman Elberts

Itโ€™s all about the Girl Power, or rather Girl Powder! Days will be spent on the mountainโ€”skiing, snowboarding, falling, progressing, and laughing over hot chocolate. Mornings and evenings are set in a beautiful mountain home โ€” doing yoga and dynamic workouts, nature walking, eating good food, playing board games, and sharing stories over wine and whiskey. Balanced. Stoked!

Youโ€™ll return home feeling fullโ€”equipped with the confidence that comes from finding a group of ladies that carpe each diem.

Co-founders Charlotte Lilley and Rachel Friedman Elberts connected on the fact that they always felt like they lived two dreams: The ski bum dream. Chase snow. Shred as many days as possible, and the bosslady dream. Work hard. Create something meaningful for their community around them. Leave a mark.

ski retreat, adventurous women, california
Connect with like-minded women who just want to have fun! Credit: Rachel Friedman Elberts

Thatโ€™s where The Ski Retreat comes in. The idea behind The Ski Retreat is that Charlotte and Rachel felt that there werenโ€™t enough opportunities like this for womenโ€”opportunities to get outside, to adventure, and to challenge themselves in a compassionate environment. So they decided to bring their passion for skiing/snowboarding, getting outside, being active, and connection into organizing these trips for women of all ski/snowboard levelsโ€”total beginners, regulars and beyond welcome.

All the details are organized by them, so everyone coming just needs to show up and enjoy themselves.

The first trip is January 3-6 and the second one is January 24-27 in the beautiful Sierra Nevadaโ€™s of Tahoe (Truckee to be exact). And STAY TUNED to their social channels and website for an announcement about a possible third retreat popping up in Utah at the end of March.

Both dates are filling up fast! Register or sign up for information on upcoming trips here โ€”>

Follow @theskiretreat on Instagram for updates on upcoming trips and other exciting news and announcements.

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