VIDEO: Skier Sends Unplanned Huge Cliff @ Telluride

SnowBrains |

A guy was skiing at Telluride ski resort in Colorado and decided to follow some tracks down a nice, mellow powder field. ย The field abruptly ended up in an enormous cliff named “Blowhole.”

This skier realizes his impending doom just before careening off the Blowhole cliff and lets out a barbaric yawp.

“I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.” – Walt Whitman

Unfortunately, he speed checks just before taking off which allows him to make contact with the cliff’s face multiple times before reaching the ground. ย ย 

We don’t know exactly what happened to this kid, but he must have been injured in some way, shape, or form, right? ย Regardless, patrol says he’s ok, which means his injuries mustn’t be too bad, which is great news.

Be careful when following tracks out there humans.




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4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Skier Sends Unplanned Huge Cliff @ Telluride

  1. I have heard of someone doing this and not realising they were following a kite boarder. They went straight over a cliff and lived to write up to story in a mag for pilots.

  2. Rule of thumb when following tracks at a resort you don’t know well. Make sure there are many, not just a few. A few could mean some very skillful locals going to hit a cliff…when you follow could end like this.

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