A Snowboarder riding in a restricted zone on Jumbo Mountain above Missoula, Montana triggered an avalanche on Friday afternoon that destroyed 2 homes and buried three people.
An 8 year old boy was pulled from the snow 1 hour after the avalanche hit. ย Two hours afters the avalanche, a retired college professor was pulled form the debris. ย Three hours after the avalanche the professor’s wife was extracted from the wreckage. ย All 3 survived the incident, but the woman was checked into the hospital in critical condition.
It’s been snowing a lot in Missoula, Montana. ย It snowed in Missoula almost every single day in February creating high avalanche danger.
This was a very scary incident and we’re so happy to see that no one lost their life.
Learn more about Avalanches here:
SnowBrains’ Avalanche Webpage
If you are going to write an article, at least try to write it in somewhat correct english.
“Two afters the avalanche, a retired college professor was pulled form the debris. ”
“It snowed in Missoula almost every single day in February created high avalanche danger.”
My bad. Fixed it. Thanks.
The woman died today of her injuries today , her husband is still in critical condition. the person that triggered this is possibly looking at manslaughter charges or worse according to friends in Missoula. Hard to believe anyone would be stupid enough to try and ski or ride on that aspect of Mt Jumbo above the neighborhood, not cool at all.