Squaw Valley CLOSED Today Due To High Wind & Avalanche Danger

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22โ€ณ of snow in 24 hours this morning at Squaw Valley. image: squaw, today

Squaw Valley ski resort in Lake Tahoe, CA is closed for the day due to high winds and high avalanche danger.

Winds have been blowing as high as 94mph this morning.

The avalanche danger is rated as HIGH at and above treeline in Lake Tahoe today.

The newest snow is wet and heavy.

The current temperature at the base of Squaw Valley is currently 33ยบF.

Squaw Valley resident Jason Dobbs on his private chairlift under his deck today! image: Jake Dobbs

Squaw reported 22โ€ณ of snow in 24 hours this morning and it hasnโ€™t stopped snowing all day today.

A natural avalanche came down across Alpine Meadows Road today at around 10:45am and closed that road for an hour or so before the debris was cleared and the road was reopened.

A โ€œmajor Pacific stormโ€ is currently hitting Lake Tahoe, CA.

This is an Atmospheric River with 4-8 feet of snowfall forecast.

image: noaa, today

The wind began yesterday morning and the snow came in yesterday at sundown.

The wind yesterday kept most lifts closed at Squaw and Alpine and many other Tahoe ski resorts.

The snow and wind and avalanche danger closed Squaw Valley for the day.

Squaw Alpine Mtn Ops@squawalpineops

We have confirmation that all lifts at Squaw Valley that are currently on hold are now closed for the day due to increasing avalanche danger and high winds. First Venture and Tucker Carpet remain open with access to beginner terrain on the lower mountain.

See Squaw Alpine Mtn Opsโ€™s other Tweets
22โ€ณ of snow in 24 hours this morning at Squaw Valley. image: squaw, today

Road closures are also an issue around Tahoe today.

Last night I-80 was closed from state line down to near Reno.

The Mount Rose Highway (431) closed last night and hasnโ€™t opened yet.

Carson Spur (highway 88) just west and east of Kirkwood ski resort closed last night, then opened, and is now closed again.

Avalanche danger is rated HIGH at and above treeline today.

image: sierra avalanche center




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