NOAA’s Official 2015/16 Winter Outlook for the USA: NOAA has release it’s official 2015/16 winter forecast for the USA. They’re sticking to their confidence in the strong El Nino affecting the USA with above average precipitation in the south and above average temperatures in the north. Lets break it down: 2015/16 WINTER PRECIPITATION: NOAA’s precipitation outlook for winter 2015/16 is showing above average precipitation for the southern half of the USA including Tahoe, Colorado, […] SnowBrains | September 21, 2015 3 Comments
Travel Tips: How To Go Back to the Bay Driving home from a local resort the other day – a holiday Sunday – I felt pangs of sympathy for my fellow skiers and snowboarders in their cars. I only had a 10 minute drive home, but most of them had 3+ hours of interstate between them and their homes in SanWalnutCreekJoseMarinPalo AltoBerkeleyOaklandFrancisco. Cruel, cruel fate. I warmed myself with the knowledge that they all assuredly had multiple episodes of Serial synched to their Bluetooth-enabled Lexus, but I knew that that could only get them so far. I vowed at that moment to use my local knowledge and this media pulpit to help my fellow man and woman […] Guest Author | January 28, 2015 17 Comments
Throwback Thursday: The History of the 1960 Winter Olympic Games at Squaw Valley USA The 1960 Winter Olympic Games at Squaw Valley, CA, were special for California and the United States for a multitude of reasons, first and fore most, it was the first Winter Olympic Games ever held in the Americas. Alex Cushing completed the impossible by convincing the IOC that the winter olympic […] Jesse Cassidy | July 24, 2014 1 Comment