“Beast From the East” Brings Life Threatening Siberian Conditions to normally Snowless Britain | Country in Near Lockdown Since last Friday, Europe has been locked in a Siberian weather pattern, aka the ‘Beast From the East’, that has pummeled the Continent with snow, freezing rain and brutal wind chills, paralyzing cities unaccustomed to more than a thin wet film of snow and killing dozens of people, mainly older and homeless people, reports the New York Times. The weather […] Weather WeatherBrains | March 2, 2018 0 Comments
VIDEO: Beautiful Drone Footage Shows Venice, Italy Covered in White after Rare Snowfall Snow doesn’t fall in Venice, Italy very often, but when it does the sight is quite spectacular, as captured by birds-eye drone footage taken by staff at the Bauer Palazzo hotel. The video shows some of Venice’s most iconic sights, from Piazza San Marco across to Cannaregio and beyond, covered in snow. The freak weather system, caused by stratospheric warming […] WeatherBrains | March 1, 2018 0 Comments