160 Acres of New Skiable Terrain Opens at Cardrona, NZ One of New Zealand’s biggest ski resorts, Cardrona Alpine Resort, has added another chairlift to its network, giving skiers and snowboarders access to a major area of new skiable terrain. The Willow’s Quad chairlift, repurposed from the old McDougall’s Quad, opened on Thursday morning to the enjoyment of over 1000 people. The new chairlift allows access to the neighboring Soho Basin, […] Industry News Hannah | July 29, 2021 1 Comment
New Zealand Ski Resorts Left Struggling After Warmest June On Record The 2021 ski season in New Zealand was supposed to be a comeback after last winter’s challenges, but the industry is not having much luck so far. Firstly, fears amidst the corona pandemic led to extended shutdowns of international travel. These restrictions forced last-minute cancellations from Australian–school holidaymakers. This year’s June vacation time would be a major boost in morale […] Industry News Hannah | July 7, 2021 0 Comments
Treble Cone = New Zealand’s Home for Freeride Shredding [sponsored by Treble Cone, NZ] South America gets a lot of the summer skiing glory but New Zealand has just as much on offer. New Zealand has some of the best terrain and epic mountains you’ll ever see. Not to mention the fact that in most places, you can ride, surf and do a variety of other sports throughout the winter […] D’Arcy McLeish | July 18, 2017 0 Comments
Temple Basin, NZ Conditions Report: Powder & Backflips Temple Basin has always been a place I have wanted to ski. Tales of long hikes and a rickety goods lift always left my mind sceptical about the idea venturing into the unknown. But news came Wednesday of a possible 80cm snowfall to the Craigieburn range and excitement led me to instantly book flights down to Christchurch […] Conditions Report Guest Author | September 2, 2015 2 Comments