VIDEO: Watch Avalanche Slam Into 4 Skiers in a “Safe Zone” One very important part of skiing and riding in avalanche terrain is choosing appropriate safe zones. The skiers in the video thought they were in a safe zone until an avalanche is triggered by their fellow ski partner and slams into them fully burying 2 out of 5 of them. No one was killed but bones were broken, ligaments were torn, and one person spent 4 days in the hospital. This video, taken by my friend Liam, is not only shocking to look at, but it offers some really good education for all of us. Here are some facts and observations below – please feel free to comment. […] Avalanche SnowBrains | January 12, 2015 4 Comments
Take This Avalanche Terrain Crash Course Now: Outside Magazine just published this great avalanche terrain map. The text below corresponds to the numbers and locations in the image above and helps to identify hazards and safe zones in avalanche terrain. The image, numbers, and text together create a great crash course in how to ascend and descend avalanche terrain. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK by Outside Magazine 1. Wind can displace tremendous amounts of snow, in some cases affecting the nature of the snowpack much more than a new storm. Wind-loaded slopes can be dangerous, while wind-eroded slopes are […] Avalanche SnowBrains | October 10, 2014 0 Comments