Record Mount Washington Avalanche Mount Washington in New Hampshire is best known for Tuckerman’s Ravine, a steep open bowl that holds snow into July. On March 29th the southeast slope of the Mount Washington summit cone experienced the largest recorded avalanche. U.S.F.S. Snow Ranger […] Avalanche SnowBrains | April 3, 2014 0 Comments
Safety Alert – BCA Float Trigger Voluntary Recall October 14th, 2013 – We are conducting a trigger upgrade on all Float packs sold into the marketplace during the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 seasons. Please see the attached Safety Alert for details. This trigger update includes the Float 30, 18, 36, 22, 32 and Throttle. The Float 30 with T-handle is not included. Owners of Float 30 packs with cone-shaped handles should contact us for instructions The upgraded trigger assembly is standard on all 2013-2014 airbags and utilizes a hex crimp instead of an E-clip as a retention solution. […] Avalanche SnowBrains | October 15, 2013 0 Comments