One of the best backcountry access points on Teton Pass in Wyoming may not look like it used to in seasons past this winter. At this time its status is uncertain.
Since Tuesday morning, the pullout on the top of Teton Pass where backcountry skiers usually park had only partially been plowed, according to Jackson Hole News and Guide. Currently, it allows vehicles enough room to pull over and check their brakes โ but not park where they normally would when seeking turns.
Jackson Hole News and Guide also reported that the Wyoming Department of Transportation didn’t have an exact date as to when the parking area would be clear, and that its truck arrestor would have to be repaired first before the parking area can be fully opened. WYDOT is hoping to make it available sometime between the middle and end of November.
WYDOT said that the pullout “will remain a brake check station if that work is not complete” before winter, JH News and Guide reports.