U.S. Ski Team Racer Handmakes 3,000 Face Masks, Donates to Health Care Workers

Martin Kuprianowicz | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
U.S. Ski Team racer Ainsley Proffit has been handmaking face masks and donating them to health care workers on the front lines. Photo by Ainsley Proffit/Instagram.

Ainsley Proffit is a ski racer on the U.S. Ski Team and sheโ€™s making an impact in the war against coronavirus. The athlete who earned a Top 5 World Ranking for Slalom in 2018 recently handmade over 3,000 face masks that she donated to health care workers in the fight against COVID-19. So far, her masks have been donated to Cardinal Glennon Childrenโ€™s Hospital in St Louis, the Chicago Police Department, emergency medics in Seattle, and pediatric doctors and patients, Inside the Games report.

Proffit wrote in an Instagram post:

โ€œ3,000 MASKS DONATED!!

Since the ski season came to a massive halt, my family and I have started sewing face masks for the community. Iโ€™m beyond proud to say we have donated 3,000 homemade masks, as well as giving bolts of fabric to other people in the community, so they can sew their own.

It is imperative that everyone does their part in social distancing, and when you do go out in public wear a face mask! It doesnโ€™t just help protect you, it helps protect the essential workers that risk getting infected everyday they go to their job.

STAY SAFE!! Keep the good vibes going๐ŸŒบโค๏ธโ€

Proffit and her family plan to keep the mask-making going until the pandemic is declared over. Under typical circumstances, her ski season would just be concluding right around now, but all U.S. Ski Team related events and activities were canceled in March due to the spread of coronavirus.

On top of fighting the good fight against the virus, Proffit is also raising money to offset the costs of the 2018-2019 ski season. She wrote in a blog:

โ€œMy name is Ainsley Proffit, I was recently named to the US Ski Team and I am raising money to offset the costs of the 2018-2019 ski season. Currently, the US Ski Team gets zero government funding to help guide athletes to the Olympics, so I am asking for your support to help me continue my race career.โ€

The full story can be read HERE

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