Of the thirteen skiers that were on a self-guided tour last Sunday in the backcountry near Sunshine Lodge in Golden BC, seven of them were injured in a slide that occurred last Sunday. ย Of those seven, two were evacuated by helicopter- one man to Calgary, the other to Kamloops, meanwhile the other five with injuries were treated in Golden. ย
To stay up to date on the story, it seems that this 64 year old man- who was flown to Calgary in critical condition- has passed away due to injuries.
This now brings the season total to eight avalanche fatalities in British Columbia. ย
The USA has seen 20 avalanche deaths this year.
There was an avalanche the prior day, Saturday, that took a snowmobilers life in the same area. ย Despite a warning from avalanche experts, both of these groups decided to heed warnings and go skiing or sledding. ย