VIDEO: Felipe Toledo Throws 2 Above-The-Lip 360ºs One 1 Wave During World Tour Comp in S. Africa

SwellBrains | | Post Tag for SurfSurf

Filipe Toledo throws back-to-back alley-oops in a near perfect Aerial heat

Felipe Toledo is our favorite surfer to watch on the World Surf League right now.

He’s been long overlooked because he is WAY ahead of his time.  

He one threw two backflips on one wave in world tour competition and the judges gave him a bad score because he did the same move twice…  

A backflip.  Stomped.  On a wave.  Twice.  WAKE THE F UP!

Apparently, the judges finally did wake up.  

Felipe threw two enormous, above-the-lip 360ºs on wave this Tuesday, July 18th 2017, and he got a near perfect score and went on to win the entire Jefferey’s Bay event yesterday!

Felipe is ranked 7th overall on the tour right now.

Felipe, you’re badass.  We hope you win the whole thing this year and we can’t wait to see what you do next.

About Felipe:

Filipe Toledo (born April 15, 1995) is a Brazilian professional surfer who competes on the World Surfing League Men’s World Tour since 2013. In 2014, after also competing on some events on the Qualifying Series (WQS), Toledo became the WQS champion. In 2015, Toledo had the best year of his professional career on the WSL World Championship Tour, managing to grab his first 3 WCT event wins, getting at least one perfect 10 in each final he competed. Toledo was also the surfer with most WCT event wins of the year. He went on to finish the 2015 season in 4th place. – wikipedia


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