In collaboration with award-winning filmmaker Jill Gareffi, director of “The Crow’s Nest,” Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, Wyoming, brings you a behind-the-scenes short film that delves into the world of its snowmakers, known as the ski industry’s most dangerous job. Dedicated expert crews work around the clock through sometimes unimaginably cold and risky conditions, enabling the resort to open earlier and stay open later, all while upholding its commitment to environmental initiatives and fostering a culture of employee excellence.
“Embark on an exhilarating journey with Jackson Holeโs elite snowmakers. In collaboration with award-winning filmmaker Jill Gareffi, director of โThe Crow’s Nest”, we bring you a behind-the-scenes short film that delves into the world of snowmaking, known as the ski industryโs most dangerous job. Dedicated expert crews work around the clock through sometimes unimaginably cold and risky conditions, enabling the Resort to open earlier and stay open later, all while upholding our commitment to environmental initiatives and fostering a culture of employee excellence.”