Donโ€™t Do This: Guy Does Huge Double Backflip & Misses Hitting a Rock by 12-Inches

SnowBrains | Post Tag for Cliff JumpingCliff Jumping

This guy does a sick tuck, layout double backflip and lands in an alpine pool only about 8-feet wide.  If you watch close, he only misses hitting the wall of that pool by about 12-inches.  It looks like he almost surely hit the sloping wall underwater but it had enough angle and he lost enough speed quick enough to not be seriously maimed.

This looks like a really bad ideas to usโ€ฆ  We love cliff jumping, but we like overhanging takeoffs with wide open, deep landings.  If you have to aim, weโ€™re not into it.

Be careful out there. Weโ€™ve already lost two skiers that we know of to cliff jumping accidents this summer.

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