This episode marks the pinnacle moment of this series thus far. We’ve made it through the list to my #1 line of 2023. This line is my favorite from last season for a number of reasons. First, it’s a line that rarely fills in making it unique and very desirable. Secondly, it’s sporty, with multiple airs and a tight couloir all packed into a short amount of vert, this line requires high focus and strong skiing. I had a very scary mishap at the top of this line too, making it very sketchy but also making it more memorable for me overall. There is a big lesson to be learned here, don’t mess around when it comes to cornices. They always require your full amount of attention and respect. ย With the closing of this top ten series I will continue to post, but likely backing off to one or two videos a month until next winter. Continue to follow along for spring ski adventures, summer bike trips, cliff jumping, BASE jumping and more. – Josh Daiekย