Opening Day 2020 at Whistler Blackcomb, BC. It was a POWDER DAY!
Somehow I managed to first up and first down! Yes, it was a FIRST, FIRST, FIRST as I have never been first on opening day before. I was up at 3 am though! It was a smashing success.
WhistlerBlackomb did an amazing job with all the required protocols. It was smiles for miles from everyone. Oh, did I mention that it was an epic powder day? Even the full hike was open to Whistler Peak and of course, we went up!
We all carry our gear for backcountry while skiing even in the resort. Once you go past the out of bounds signs you are on your own and not the responsibility of the mountain, so pack your gear.
Did I mention the POWDER? Well, it was pretty amazing. Just Sayin!