[VIDEO] Owen Leeper Presents โ€œ3 Chutes You Could Die Skiing โ€“ Part 1โ€

SnowBrains |

3 Ski Chutes You Could Die Skiing: Part I

Friend of SnowBrains Owen Leeper is here with the first in a series of videos about the Jackson Hole backcountry chutes that you could die skiing. Sounds fun viewing!

Skiing three different couloirs in the Jackson Hole backcountry, all three could kill you if you messed up on the way down. Part 1 of 3, a skinny couloir you have to make two small turns to avoid slamming into the wall with no chance of stopping mid-way.

โ€“ Owen Leeper

Owen Leeper, miles clark,
Owen Leeper celebrating not dying with SnowBrains founder and CEO Miles Clark. Credit: Owen Leeper YouTube screenshot.

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One thought on โ€œ[VIDEO] Owen Leeper Presents โ€œ3 Chutes You Could Die Skiing โ€“ Part 1โ€โ€

  1. If Miles died while skiing one of three killers chutes, imagine the traffic this site would get! Would it get posted? You bet it would. People die every year skiing the easy stuff, story seems irrelevant. Chutes or no chutes, dying is possible just about anywhere.

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