Sunday River, Maine OPENS Today with Top-To-Bottom Skiing | VIDEO & Photo Tour:

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Third earliest Opening Day in resort history. Best Opening Day conditions. Ever.

Posted by Sunday River on Monday, October 19, 2015

Sunday River ski resort in Maine opened for the season today with top-to-bottom skiing and riding on 100% artificial snow.  Sunday River is the 2nd ski resort to open this winter only one day after Killington, VT opened yesterday.

Today was Sunday Riverโ€™s 3rd earliest opening in history.

Sunday River, ME today.  photo:  sunday river
Sunday River, ME today. photo: sunday river

Sunday River had the Locke Mountain Triple chairlift open with 4  trails available and even 3 rails up for sliding.

Sunday River, ME today.  photo:  sunday river
Sunday River, ME today. photo: sunday river

Sunday River will be open weekends only until mid-November.

Sunday River, ME today.  photo:  sunday river
Sunday River, ME today. photo: sunday river


Today at Sunday River

Weโ€™re open!

Weโ€™re rocking top-to-bottom skiing and riding today off the Locke Mountain Triple with loading at both the base and the mid-station and open terrain on T2 and Sunday Punch, including an early-season park with three rails at mid-mountain.  The last lift uploads will be at 3PM, but Barker Bar will be open to relive your opening day glory.

If you see a snowmaker out there, give โ€™em a hug.  These guys have been out around the clock fulfilling our promise to open as early as possible every year creating fantastic opening day conditions.  Nobody makes snow like Sunday River.

After today weโ€™ll move to our regular early-season schedule of running lifts on weekends only until mid-November. Weโ€™ll talk more about next weekendโ€™s plan when weโ€™ve had a chance to suss out the weekโ€™s weather.

Welcome back to your happy place.

Team Snow


Sunday River, ME today.  photo:  sunday river
Sunday River, ME today. photo: sunday river
Sunday River, ME today.  photo:  sunday river
Sunday River, ME today. photo: sunday river
Sunday River, ME today.  photo:  sunday river
Sunday River, ME today. photo: sunday river

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