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Silverton Mountain guide Mark Kloster ripping powder in Alaska today. ย Then he looks up and Wham! ย his sluff clubs him in the face and sends him on a ride.
Nevertheless, we’re still very very jealous.
“Video from TODAY skiing in AK of Marc Kloster getting worked hard by his sluff today Silverton Mountain Guides Alaska Heli. Normally whimpering like a baby after getting nailed by your slufff on a 55 degree face is embarrassing. But when it’s Sept 26, and it’s the first day of the season, and you clear the 20 foot high white ice schrund AND it’s your birthday you get a run named after you. Be sure to have the sound on.” – Silverton Mountain, CO – today
A heli guide getting wiped out on his first run of the year. Hired or fired?