Whistler has received almost 40cm in the last couple days making the riding on the mountain soft and powdery. This cold weather produced really light snow that almost felt like nothing when you were riding through it. Most of the mountain was really nice even until the end of the day, however on most turns you could feel the bottom of the powder. This is just because of how light this snow came down. In the next few days we can expect about another 15cm on top of this which will be a nice treat.

Today I started out towards Whistler Mountain. In the morning we skied Garbonzo a couple times while the snow was fresh. Everything skied really fast today due to fast hard pack layer underneath the new light snow. After Garbonzo, we headed towards Red chair in hopes that by the time we got to the top Peak Chair would be open. Our timing worked out well and we were able to have a fresh couple laps through VD trees off of Peak. After a few laps on Peak we headed to Harmony and had a few fun runs through the trees there.

At the end of the day we headed back to Peak chair and had a final run through Khyber which still held some untracked sections. Overall today was very fun and with more snow in the forecast, Whistler is off to a great start of February.