Yeah, It Snowed a Lot at Las Lenas, Argentina Last Night:

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Yeah, it snowed a lot at Las Lenas, Argentina.  Lifties clearing off deep snow on chairlifts today.
Yeah, it snowed a lot at Las Lenas, Argentina. Lifties clearing off deep snow on chairlifts today. ย photo: ย victor cancinos/snowbrains

Las Lenas got 37 inches of snow at mid-mountain from the storm that hit there the past 48 hours and today was sunny and blue, but none of the good chairlifts were able to open up.

 Las Lenas, Argentina after 37" storm today.
Las Lenas, Argentina after 37″ storm today. ย photo: ย victor cancinos/snowbrains

Here is a quick Las Lenas, Argentina ski resort update from SnowBrains reporter Victor Cancinos:

“Hoy las leรฑas amanecio con un increible claro de medio dia q dejo ver las toneladas de nieve q dejo esta primer ola secuencia de tormentas q estan llegando estos ultimos dias…

La montaรฑa permanecio cerrada casi en su totalidad, solo Urano TK, Vesta TS y Eros 1 y 2.

Seguimos esperando q la condicion meteorologica nos permita disfrutar de este bello paraiso del freeride con nuestros amigos!” – Victor Cancinos


“Today, Las Lenas started off with an incredibly clear sky that let us see the tons of snow from the first wave of the series of storms that are headed here in the coming days…

The mountain stayed nearly completely closed today, only Urano TK, Vesta TS, y Eros 1 and 2 were open.

We’re continuing to wait for the right weather that will allow us to enjoy this gorgeous freeride paradise with our friends!” – Victor Cancinos

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One thought on “Yeah, It Snowed a Lot at Las Lenas, Argentina Last Night:

  1. Tomorrow the winds will blow it all away, just wait. We don’t even call it wind unless it’s over 100kph.

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