Skier Buried Up to Chest in Alaska Avalanche Yesterday

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Photo of the avalanche that partially buried a skier yesterday on Hatch Peak off Hatcher Pass, Alaska.
Photo of the avalanche that partially buried a skier yesterday on Hatch Peak off Hatcher Pass, Alaska.

The information about this avalanche is very limited at this time.  All we know is that there was a skier triggered avalanche that buried a skier up to his chest on Hatch Peak off Hatcher Pass, Alaska on Friday afternoon.

Looking at the image above, you can see that this was a serious avalanche very much capable of burying and killing a person.

There was no avalanche advisory yesterday as reporting has not yet begun.

On Friday afternoon, a human triggered avalanche partially buried a skier up to his chest on Hatch Peak. Limited information available at this time.โ€ โ€“ Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center

Hatcher Pass is a very popular, easy access, near Anchorage backcountry skiing location in Alaska.

This is the second recorded avalanche accident of the 2015/16 North American avalanche season.  Lets all be heads up and careful out there!

The first avalanche of season happened this week in Montana and took 2 people for a 400โ€ฒ ride and injured one of them.

Map of the location of Hatcher Pass, AK.
Map of the location of Hatcher Pass, AK.

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