Thredbo Ski Resort, Australia Gets First Big Snow of Season | Video & Photos

Guy LaDouche |
Cruiser Chair at Thredbo
Cruiser Chair at Thredbo

You know there’s a lack of terrain when you start to recognize particular chunks of snow on your runs… ย not joking. That all changed this past weekend, as Thredbo finally received its first significant snowfall of the season. The first few weeks were truly a testamant to the Australians’ love of skiing and riding as the large crowds were all smiles despite the challenging conditions.

Eagleโ€™s Nest

To all the people who told me how terrible the skiing in Australia was prior to my journey here: shame on you. Thredbo (Australia’s highest ski resort) has some sick terrain, and the best parts are still not open. They’ve got 2200 feet of vert (vs 1800′ at my beloved Alpine Meadows) and boast Australia’s 5 longest ski runs (the longest being 5km).

Sick Hikable Lines
Sick Hikable Lines

Sinceย Sunday, the conditions have been amazing in the mornings with chalky off piste skiing and buttery groomers, but would start to firm up after 2-230pm. Strong winds left some of the higher ridge lines with large ice patches, which also meant nice with blown stashes for those willing to hunt.

The Basin
The Basin
Check out Thredbo’s official conditions report video fromย Sunday:
And Monday:

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