10 Squaw Valley Aerial Photos from Yesterday

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KT-22 east side yesterday. photo: points north heli

The owner of Points North Heli, Kevin Quinn, went our for another flight-see in Lake Tahoe yesterday to see how the latest snowstorm covered our mountainous areas. ย He got some great aerial photos that tell the true story of how are “snowpack” is looking right now.

All these photos are taken of Squaw Valley and it shows things looking much more white than they did only a few days ago. ย The next Tahoe storm is scheduled for tomorrow and NOAA is saying there could be up to 20″ in the high mountains by Saturday morning.

The next flight should reveal a completely different world in Tahoe… ย Thanks for the photos, Kevin.


squaw valley
Mountain Run and Palisades yesterday. photo: points north heli
The Slot on Headwall yesterday. photo: points north heli
KT-22 north side yesterday. photo: points north heli
North Bowl off Headwall yesterday. photo: points north heli


Squaw Palisades yesterday.  photo:  points north heli
Squaw Palisades yesterday. photo: points north heli
Granite Chief Peak yesterday. photo: points north heli
Squaw Palisades and high camp area yesterday.  photo:  points north heli
Squaw Palisades and Solitude area yesterday. photo: points north heli
emigrant chair
Emigrant Chair at Squaw yesterday. photo: points north heli

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