85-Year-Old Man Rules the Pond Skim at Breckenridge, CO

Brent Thomas | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
pond skim
Ed Doogan competes in the pond skim at age 85. Credit: Breckenridge Resort

For many years, spring skiing has brought forth sunshine, smiles, bikinis, bathing suits, and most famously, the pond skim. Many resorts across the country host a pond skimming competition, and the roots of the tradition can be traced back to the 1920s. It is always one of the premier events of the season as contestants try to impress the crowd by skimming for the most distance, style, biggest splash, or most ridiculous costume.

Only a small percentage of skiers and snowboarders will ever participate in a pond skim, and the motivation for doing so is different for everyone. Hurling yourself across a frigid pond of water isnโ€™t usually at the top of anyoneโ€™s to-do list, so resorts often award prizes for participants. Some just want to do it for fun.

Typically, there is a minimum age to enter such contests, but is there a maximum age? Apparently not.

Five years ago in 2019, Ed Doogan, from Edwards, Colorado, competed in the pond skim at Vail Mountain at the age of 80. By all measures, it was a fantastic success. He noticed the other skimmers before him hitting the water too fast, and the entry jump was throwing them off-balance. When it was his turn, he used a little less speed and did a small pre-jump before hitting the water. It was the perfect strategy as he nearly made it across the entire pond. Doogan won the โ€œBest Performance by a Skierโ€ award, and the memory has since been a highlight of his skiing career.

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Doogan winning the โ€œBest Performance by a Skierโ€ award at Vail in 2019. Credit: Barry Eckhaus

Doogan, who now plays pickleball more than he skis, decided that he wanted to do the pond skim again at age 85. Unfortunately, Vail was no longer hosting such an event. He researched the area and found that both Breckenridge and Copper Mountain were holding pond skim contests.

When he tried to get in at Copper Mountain, a resort representative said, โ€œAre you crazy, we arenโ€™t taking anybody 85.โ€ Breckenridge seemed more accommodating, but every time he inquired about it, he was sent to talk to someone else. Finally, after seven tries he talked to the right person who got him in the event, but only after signing an additional release form and paying the $30 entry fee.

When the day of the event came on April 29, Doogan knew it would be different than his last contest at Vail due to the conditions as it was a legit powder day. It was a steep walk-up to the start of the pond skim and Doogan didnโ€™t want to make the trek. In an interview with Vail Daily, Doogan describes his day.

โ€œI said to the guy, is that the only way up? He said, โ€˜no, you can take the lift up.โ€™ So, I got on the lift, but the lift went to the top of the mountain. The snow is 18 inches to two feet high. Now Iโ€™m at the top of the mountain in a freaking blizzard. It took me an hour to get down the hill because it was so far. Now Iโ€™m down to the bottom and my thighs are on fire and Iโ€™m beathing pretty heavily.โ€

Doogan did not have the advantage of scouting the other contestantsโ€™ form or how the jump was constructed which he admits was a big mistake. โ€œBeing what I did at Vail, I just had a natural instinct to not go that fast at the top and then try to speed up. But I couldnโ€™t speed up that much because of the conditions and snow.โ€

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The pond was 30 feet across and Doogan made it about three. Credit: Doug Amberg

Doogan gave it his best and as he exited the jump he just barely made it into the pond before sinking to the bottom of the shallow pool. Two attendants had to pull him to the end of the pond while ice chunks kept hitting his face. As he was helped to his feet he turned around to a surprise.

โ€œI get up to the top and they hand me my skis and I turn to the crowd and the crowd is roaring!โ€ Doogan exclaimed. Apparently, Dooganโ€™s friend had informed the announcers that an 85-year-old man was about to make his attempt. However, the ordeal of the day was not over. โ€œIโ€™m shivering because Iโ€™m full of ice water,โ€ Doogan explained. โ€œNow I have to go all the way back to my car and I was freezing and luckily I have a heated seat.โ€

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Doogan getting helped to the end of the pond. Credit: Doug Amberg

The first thing he did when he got home was pour a glass of wine and take it into a hot shower to warm up. โ€œIโ€™m glad itโ€™s over because Iโ€™ve been distressed about doing it because itโ€™s been important to me to complete that mission,โ€ Doogan said. When asked if he was planning on doing it next year at 86 years old, he had classic answer: โ€œ90 next time.โ€

To see a video of Doogan describing his experience, as well as a video of his attempt, watch the attached below.

Pond skimming at age 85, Ed Doogan shares his crazy story

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