Alta Conditions Report – Spring has Sprung!

Aaron Rice | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

Corn skiing in the Alta side country! [photo: Aaron Rice, Skier: mike Campanelli]
Corn skiing in the Alta side country! [photo: Aaron Rice, Skier: mike Campanelli]
Whelp, we are back to spring time sun and warmth. The weather and snow has been behaving more like late April, rather than mid March this past week. However it is not hard to make the best of soft snow and goggle tan weather.

2015-03-11 07.36.32
Some amazing sunrises accompanied the high pressure


After the last storm there was a nice coat of new snow and patrol dropped the ropes on 100% of terrain. East Castle and Devils Castle held great soft snow for a few days. With little new snow they didn’t see too much skier traffic and fresh turns were being found 2-3 days after opening

hi-boy getting a bit bumped upq
hi-boy getting a bit bumped up


24 hour snowfall: 1”
7 day snowfall: 2″
base: 78″
season snowfall: 254″


Honestly, if you are looking for new snow, maybe look elsewhere. However we are going to be looking at some great spring skiing for the foreseeable future! Take out the your blades and onsies, or 210s and rip some bumps. Or grab a grill an post up in the parking lot and get in some quality March tailgating. Just don’t try to get in your ski fix to early in the day as it will take the snow till around 11 or noon to really soften up nicely.

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Disclaimer: The author of this post received compensation from Alta Ski Area for writing it. However, the content is solely determined by the author.

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