Report from January 11, 2023
On our final day of the BC hut trip we took our time getting out of the house.
It was -15ºF outside with a -30ºF wind chill.
The sun was out and a stiff wind was blowing.

A big crew of us charged up towards the ridge pillows.
As we approached, we saw a sweet track down the pillows and wondered how the hell it was there and who put it in.
Upon closer inspection, it was an animal track.
Closer still, we saw that it was a wolverine track.
The beast had charged all along the alpine ridgeline and then dropped right into the pillows complete with big snow spray marks.
I was blown away and energized.
I forgot the cold for a moment.
The line I’d planned on skiing was right next to the wolverine track and I was stoked.
Just knowing this animal had been in our presence energized me.
I dropped first and skied next to the track and found my fun pillow line with 3 airs.
I finished my run gliding right next to the Wolverine track and couldn’t help singing “wooooolverine track, wolverine track, wolverine track. wooooolverine track, wolveriiiinneeeee traaaaaack.”
This zone is now obviously named “The Wolverine Pillows.”
We did 1 more run in this zone and then hit the lower pillow zone on the way home.
The sun mostly left us and the cold was burrowing into our bones.
It was time to get warm.
We all headed back to the hut and watched the thermometer drop all day until it hit -45ºF that night.
What an awesome end to a ridiculous trip.
Of my 7 BC hut trips, this was my favorite.
Thanks, BC!
BC Hut Trip Reports
- BC Hut Trip Report – Day 7 – Following A Wolverine Track Down Sunny Pillows Below a Sun Halo in -15ºF Temps
- BC Hut Trip Report – Day 6 – Bubble Bath Powder Skiing in the Sunshine Off The Backside
- BC Hut Trip Report – Day 5 – One Dry Billowy Powder Run After 6″ of New Snow
- BC Hut Trip Report – Day 4 – Pillow Drops, Deep Powder, -5ºF, A Thimble of Sunshine, & Unknown Chutes
- BC Hut Trip Report – Day 3 – Pillow Powder Day With a Nasty Darkside Sun-Kiss
Wolvy Track. image: snowbrains -
Back to the hut. image: snowbrains -
Wolverine track from afar. image: snowbrains -
Miles skiing Wolverine Pillows. image: snowbrains -
Hut glow. image: snowbrains -
Killing time the good way. image: snowbrains -
All the snacks come out on the last day. image: snowbrains -
Chillin’ in the warm hut after a cold ski. image: snowbrains