Bogus Basin, ID Report: Nothing Bogus About Bogus Basin

Joseph Phillips | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
bogus basin
Incredible views from the summit of Bogus Basin. PC: Bogus Basin

Report from Sunday 22nd December 2019

Bogus Basin is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, meaning that they are a non-profit enterprise, hence the slogan โ€œNon Profit. All Goodโ€. All of the revenue is invested straight back into the resort and the community, and the board of directors are all volunteers.

The resort changed owners 6 years ago, and have since invested $16 million into the mountain. The differences are noticeable. So much more terrain is accessible with brush clearing efforts and the addition of cat tracks.

This season, the resort proudly started running their brand new high-speed quad, bringing it up to 4 quads with 11 total lifts. The lifts access 2600 acres of terrain with almost 1800 feet of vertical. Itโ€™s easy to get a ton of runs in with all the high-speed lifts. And never get bored with all the tree runs you can take advantage of too.

brand new high speed quad
Brand new high-speed quad just opened this season! PC: Snowbrains
map of bogus basin
Trail map of Bogus Basin, ID. PC: Bogus Basin

My favorite part was the different sides of the mountain. Thereโ€™s plenty of terrain that gets morning sun to soften up first. And then there are lots of north-facing slopes that stay shaded for longer. While there are dozens of groomed trails, I love the trees and brush. Going over little bush hoppers and turning into fresh pillows of snow is my favorite kind of run.

We had a great sunny day and could even see the city of Boise off in the distance. We even found some leftover fresh spots in the trees!! All the different facing slopes give great views of the surrounding wilderness too. We never got bored with all the different terrain offerings. Especially since winter just started, I canโ€™t even imagine how much better the resort must be with a few more feet!

trails at bogus basin
Some trails at Bogus Basin. PC: Snowbrains

Best of all, itโ€™s just 16 miles away from Boise, ID. The scenic drive up Bogus Basin Rd. takes you to great downhill skiing, tubing, and cross country skiing. Even better, any lift ticket also includes night skiing, open daily until 10pm!  Stop by one of Boiseโ€™s many breweries or unique restaurants afterward as well!

great views of boise wilderness
Great views of the surrounding wilderness. PC: Snowbrains
great skiing day
Tubing hill visible middle left. PC: Snowbrains

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One thought on โ€œBogus Basin, ID Report: Nothing Bogus About Bogus Basinโ€

  1. Bogus Basin did a brilliant move maybe 20 years ago.
    At that time they had run down lifts few customers and were going down.

    They offered $299 season passes ! One of first to do this and so many skiers bought them that they had $$$ to put in 2 high speed quads. Been doing great ever since.

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