Brain Post: How NASA’s Curiosity Has Proven That Mars Once Had an Atmosphere

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for BrainsBrains

Why is it significant that NASA’s Curiosity now has more proof that Mars once had an atmosphere?  Because if Mars once had an atmosphere, then there was likely flowing water, and therefore a chance that there could have been life.

“Scientists think that the climate on Mars 3.5 billion years ago was similar to that of early Earth: warm and wet.” – NASA

Mars doesn’t look to hospitable to life now, does it?
Mars doesn’t look to hospitable to life now, does it?

NASA’s entire mission to Mars is about discovering evidence of life.  Why?  Because if we discover signs of life on Mars, it would be the single greatest discovery in the history of Mankind.

NASA’s Curiosity now has more proof that Mars once had an atmosphere, clouds, rain, and running water.  The Curiosity has some complex ways of reaching this conclusion that we’ll let the video explain as it does a great job.  It’s all about heavy Argon.

Our Planets
Our Planets


– Mars is the 4th planet from the sun.

Mars vs Earth
Mars vs Earth

– Mars is the smallest planet in the solar system

– Mars orbits the sun in 687 days

Mars & Earth orbit

– Mars is one of only 4 rocky planets in our solar system, the other 4 are gas planets

The 4 rocky planets
The 4 rocky planets

– March is named after Mars

– Mars’ red color is due to iron oxide, also known as rust, and has the consistency of talcum powder. Literally, the metallic rocks on Mars are rusting.

– No human could survive the low pressure of Mars. If you went to Mars without an appropriate space suit, the oxygen in your blood would literally boil, causing immediate death.

– The Egyptians gave Mars its first recorded name: Har dècher (“The red one”). The Babylonians called it Nergal (“Star of death”). The Greeks and Romans named the planet after their respective gods of war, Ares and Mars. The Hebrews called it Ma’adim, or “One who blushes.” Many ancient people believed the reddish color came from actual blood on the planet.

Mars with ice pole
Mars with ice pole


– Well, that depends.  Mars and Earth are both constantly moving. Earth orbits the sun in 365 days, Mars orbits the sun in 687 days.  Sometimes it’s close to us, sometimes it’s very far away.

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9 thoughts on “Brain Post: How NASA’s Curiosity Has Proven That Mars Once Had an Atmosphere

  1. This is amazing!
    If Mars had an atmosphere we could survive there in the next few decades!-with spacesuits or something!

  2. For one thing, Mars still has an atmosphere. It is a very thin atmosphere, but it has one. Secondly, Mars isn’t the smallest planet in the solar system, Mercury is.

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