Skier Airlifted From Brighton Resort, UT, in Extremely Critical Condition Following Accident in Snowmaking Area

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life flight, utah, Brighton Resort,
Credit: Intermountain Life Flight

A 61-year-old man skiing with his son was airlifted to hospital in an extremely critical condition yesterday after an accident at Brighton Ski Resort, UT. 

The pair were skiing at 9:30 am in the White Snake area by the Snake Creek run where the resort was making snow.

The man hit a snowbank causing severe facial trauma and โ€œsome kind of medical episode.โ€

โ€œThe son reports that his goggles became covered in the snow, so he couldnโ€™t see. His dad ran into a snowbank and received severe facial trauma and then suffered some kind of medical episode.โ€

โ€“ Police Report

Patrollers worked on the man for over an hour before getting him up the hill and onto LifeFlight, where he was transported to the University of Utah Hospital.

Brighton was the first resort in Utah to open for the season on Tuesday, November 23.

Brighton trail map

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