Extreme Avalanche Danger in Place in Large Parts of Colorado

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Level 5 avalanche warning
Large parts of Colorado are under Level 5 avalanche warning. | Picture: CAIC

The Colorado Avalanche Information Center โ€˜CAICโ€™ has advised the public that large parts of Coloradoโ€™s Central and Southern Mountains are under an Avalanche Warning. The areas have been subject to extreme avalanche danger following heavy snowfalls and strong winds on Wednesday, March 22, 2023.

Level 5 means that avalanches are easy to trigger and can be anticipated to be large, dangerous, and run long distances.

Avalanche warnings
Red triangles indicate avalanche warnings on the map. | Picture: CAIC

The highest avalanche danger is in the southern San Juan Mountains, from Coal Bank Pass to Wolf Creek Pass and down to the New Mexico border, where the danger is at Level 5 out of 5. The area is subject to a dangerous snowpack setup with cold, dry snow near the surface that is about to be buried by three feet of warmer, dense snow.

Avalanches are inevitable in this region. Avoid all avalanche terrain.

Conditions across all of Coloradoโ€™s mountains are hazardous.

Level 5
Extreme avalanche danger across the mountain. | Picture: CAIC

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