Grand Teton National Park Digital Ski Atlas | 45 Ski Lines, 50+ Waypoints, & Technical Considerations

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The Grand Teton, WY. image: mark smiley

Fully certified mountain guide Mark Smiley just created the first ever digital ski atlas for the Grand Teton National Park, WY.

Mark is a good buddy from guiding on Mt. Rainier, WA back in the day (and our current roommate) who has skied 36 of the 45 lines in the ski guide.  Mark is also an accomplished professional photographer and filmmaker with publications in Alpinist, Rock nโ€™ Ice, Climbing, Extraordinary Health, Outside Magazine, and more.

This Ski Atlas Includes 45 Route Lines (up & down) On:

Olive Oil, Prospectors Peak, Albright Peak, Buck Mountain, Peak 10,696, Maverick, 25 Short, Mt Wister, Shadow Peak, Nez Perce, Cloudveil Dome, South Teton, Middle Teton, Grand Teton, Mt Owen, Teewinot, and Mt Moran. 

This guide only costs $27.77 and 50% of the profit will be donated the Jenny Lake Rangers Search and Rescue Team.

Download the Grand Teton National Park Ski Atlas here:

Grand Teton National Park, WY Ski Route Atlas

Garnet Canyon in Grand Teton National Park, WY.  image: mark smiley

โ€œWander around lost in the woods no longer!

4 years in the making, IFMGA certified Mountain Guide Mark Smiley, is excited to announce his Grand Teton National Park Digital Ski Route Atlas. This is the guidebook of the future.

The weightless guidebook (file) that helps you navigate directly to your line, with a ton of helpful info that will get you to and from 45 classic ski lines in GTNP. Complete with technical beta. Load it on your smartphone and use with Gaia GPS.

50% of the profit will be donated the Jenny Lake Rangers Search and Rescue Team. These talented and brave people have our backs when things go wrong in the Park.

First 100 people to purchase receive a free photo!

โ€“ Mark Smiley

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