Jackson Hole, WY Conditions Report 3-11-2014 | Bluebird Pow!!!

Daryn Edmunds | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report


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When you think about what makes a fantastic powder day you probably would take a good overnight dumping of snow and sprinkle on a heavy dose of sunshine to go along with it.  Well that is exactly what conditions were like today Tuesday March, 11th in Jackson Hole, WY. With 12″ of new snow reported overnight and the clouds being nice enough to go away entirely by about 10:00am the table was set for a top notch day of soft turns and face shots.

A pretty face in front of a pretty face. Sammy G. and Cody Peak.
A pretty face in front of a pretty face. Sammy G. and Cody Peak.

As could be expected the masses were out early to shred the new powder and by about 8:30 both the Tram and Gondola had very serious line action. Fortunately the skiers and riders spread out quickly and the lines diminished significantly after the initial rush.

AA Kyler Pow

Our group of three skiers decided to tough it out and wait for the Tram first thing. We were able to catch the 3rd boat up to Rendezvous Peak and we were not disappointed. The snow was a heavier weight variety that did a spectacular job covering up the firmer snow underneath, while somehow still sprung up into your chest and face as you bounced from turn to turn.  We took our first run down the shot known as Alta One and had a hell of a time blowing up powder pillows all the way down to Sublette chair.

AA Sam Pow

We were lucky to run into an old friend, Marvin Howard of Marvinskis.com, who was kind enough  to show us around the vast and easily accessible Jackson Hole Sidecountry.  The gates off the top of the Tram and the Sublette chair allowed us to ski 3000+ vertical feet of fresh pow before traversing back to the Jackson’s Union Pass chair.  Stand out runs of the day went downon Spacewalk and the Ships Prow area. We also scored a few deep turns later in the day in the Lower Parachute zone after a quick traverse and side step.

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Warm temps and bright sunshine caused the morning power to turn to a wetter Spring-like concoction of fast velvet and deep potatoes. This snow was fun as well, but took a quick toll on the legs and before long had us scampering to Nick Wilson’s for a slice and a beer or three to cap off an epic day. Cant’t wait to see what Jackson Hole has for us tomorrow!

aa tram

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One thought on “Jackson Hole, WY Conditions Report 3-11-2014 | Bluebird Pow!!!

  1. Bwaaah, Bwaaaaah. My friends(3) are heading to JH from Right coast & I can’t make
    time to get there from Tahoe.

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