Jackson Hole Plans On Building New Gondola to Ease Tram Lines

Keenan Grady |


Considered by many to be the without-a-doubt best ski lift in America, the Jackson Hole Tram is legendary, but becoming more and more crowded

Ever since Jackson Hole Mountain Resort got rated the number one ski resort in North America, it has slowly become more and more blown out with lines and tourists.  Although this is good for business, it is a quick surefire way to irk locals.  On a pow day, people start lining up as early as 6:30 AM to catch the first tram box.  If youโ€™re late for this, the best bet is to go to the Bridger Gondola.  However, as of recent, even with the greater people-moving capabilities, even the gondy gets bogged down.

As released by JHMR, plans for the new Sweetwater Gondola

JHMRโ€™s solution? Build a new gondola to replace the outdated, three-seater Sweetwater Lift.  

closeup jackson sweetwater
closeup of the new gondy location

The gondola will transport skiers and riders to a location just above the Casper Restaurant.  This will be convenient now, especially given the new Teton Lift that accesses the Crags and headwall.  JHMR President, Jerry Blann mentions, โ€œimproving the out of base capacity will greatly enhance skier flow, and the Sweetwater Gondola will dramatically improve the beginner skier and rider experience.โ€

But seriously though


The hope is that the build of the brand new 8-seat Doppelmayer gondola will deliver over 2,000 people per hour and ascend 1,267 vertical feet.  The bottom station will be located between the Bridger Gondola and the Teewinot Chair.  There will be a mid-station to facilitate ski school access to the solitude area; and the top station will be located just above the Casper Restaurant.

happy shredding at JHMR
happy shredding at JHMR

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