LAST CHANCE! You Have Less Than a Week to Grab an Ikon Pass Before Price Increases

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ikon pass
Credit: Ikon Pass

Last season didnโ€™t end quite as we wanted. Iโ€™m sure, like us, many of you feel like you have unfinished business and are chomping at the bit for winter 20/21 to begin.

One way to keep the stoke alive would be to buy next yearโ€™s pass now. With your pass locked in, before the price increases, you know that as soon as those lifts start turning in the next few weeks, youโ€™ll be ready.

If youโ€™re worried that next season might go the same way of the last, or not even get going, then fear not, the Ikon Pass has your back with the introduction of โ€˜Adventure Assuranceโ€˜. If for any reason, you donโ€™t use your Ikon Pass, you will receive 100% credit towards your pass the following season. Also, should another worldwide pandemic cut the season short again, you will receive a pro-rata credit towards your next pass.

For any reason, if you donโ€™t use your 20/21 Ikon Pass, you will have the option to defer the purchase price paid for your 20/21 Ikon Pass toward the purchase of a 21/22 Ikon Pass using the new Zero-Day Credit โ€“ no questions asked. You can now make this decision between September 10, 2020, and April 11, 2021.

Should any eligible Ikon Pass destination close due to COVID-19 between December 10, 2020, and April 11, 2021, Ikon Pass holders will receive a proportional credit towards any 21/22 Ikon Pass.


Get your Ikon Pass today โ€” your last chance to unlock the most iconic destinations on the planet. Click here to buy nowโ€ฆ

The Ikon Pass is the new standard in season passes, connecting 43 of the most iconic mountains across North and South America, Australia and Japan, delivering authentic, memorable snow adventures.

To provide the best experience possible, a number of pass products are available for purchase at, including the Ikon Pass and the Ikon Base Pass, with varying levels of access and benefits.

Photo by Ikon Pass.

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One thought on โ€œLAST CHANCE! You Have Less Than a Week to Grab an Ikon Pass Before Price Increasesโ€

  1. If I wasnโ€™t able to use the pass because of COVID last season, how will I activate my account to use the pass for this season?

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