Mary Jane at Winter Park, CO to Stay Open Through May 12th | 2nd Latest Closing Date in Resortโ€™s History

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winter park, Mary Jane, colorer
Mary Jane, at Winter Park, CO will stay open for second-latest closing in the resortโ€™s history.  Credit: Ikon Pass

When the seasonโ€™s this good, you never want it to end and thanks to the over 250โ€ of snow that has fallen so far this season, Winter Park Resortโ€™s iconic Mary Jane will remain open three extra weeks, with closing now slated for Sunday, May 12.

The Winter Park side will still close on the originally scheduled closing weekend of April 20-21 with Spring Splash still scheduled for Sunday, April 21, the culmination of four straight weekends of Winter Park Bash + Splash events.

Ikon Pass, winter park, colorado, Mary Jane
Aprรจs ski in Winter Park. Credit:Ikon Pass.

This will be the fourth consecutive season that Mary Janeโ€™s season has been extended, and May 12 marks the second-latest closing date in Winter Park history, with only 1998โ€™s May 25 Mary Jane close being later.  It all adds up to three extra weeks to enjoy Mary Janeโ€™s world-famous moguls, tree-skiing, and C-Lot parties.  Exact available lifts and terrain will be released closer to the extension but visitors can expect many of their favorite Mary Jane and Parsenn Bowl Territory lifts and runs to be available.

The 2018-19 season truly has been impressive in terms of snowfall, with Winter Park currently sitting at 115% of its season average to date.  Although March is just a week old, Mother Nature has already delivered nearly 40โ€ of fresh snow this month, with more on the way throughout the weekend.  In comparison, last year on this exact date Winter Park had 200โ€ for the season.

Winter Park, CO is just 1 of 38 iconic destinations available on the new Ikon Pass.

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