Mount Rose Ski Tahoe, NV | Looking Ahead to 2021 โ€“ What to Expect During the Upcoming Winter

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A family who skis together stays together. Image: Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe

Mount Rose Ski Tahoe in Nevada updated their website this weekend to include how theyโ€™re planning for the upcoming season and what skiers and riders should expect.

Of course, face-coverings and social distancing measures will be enforced. As per Nevada state regulations, restaurants will run at 50% capacity, and all-season the resort will be working with the industry and Ski California to ensure the safety of their guests and employees.

There may be times where the resort will put a capacity on the number of passes they sell for a day, but this will not impact season pass holders. A resort spokesman claims the resort will have a โ€˜comfortable capacity limitโ€™.

Another major change will be the introduction of โ€˜dynamic pricingโ€™. When they are expecting fewer people on the mountain, or on severe weather days, the resort will drop pricing on those days.

What to expect during The Upcoming Season

The approaching, not too distant winter will truly be an opportunity for your soul to come out of hibernation and relish in the beauty and exhilaration that winter scenery and crisp air ultimately provide. As this is the time of year when we all start thinking about colder temps and snowy futures, Mt. Roseโ€“Ski Tahoe is moving ahead towards opening for the 2020-21 ski and snowboard season.

Skiing and snowboarding provide ideal recreation during the pandemic as outdoor adventure is complimented with inherent PPE(s): face coverings, eye protection (goggles & sunglasses), and gloves are all routine practices. On the mountain, weโ€™re making progress on several projects, as well as completing standard maintenance duties to ensure a smooth and safe operation.

To be expected in the current state of the world, the Mt. Rose experience will be a little different this season, but still very enjoyable with the cooperation of all guests. Many of the practices we have become used to in our daily lives will also be in place at the mountain. Masks and facial coverings will be required in all public areas (indoors and on the mountain) where social distancing is expected. All guests will be reminded to maintain safe social distancing while at the mountain. We will be following Nevada state statutes (current laws limit restaurants to 50% capacity) and this is likely to be the case in our lodges, meaning that there may be times when guests looking to come into the lodge may be asked to try back again later if thresholds are being approached. Deck seating will continue to be an option and restrooms and First Aid will always be available. You can be assured that weโ€™ll be conducting regular disinfectant procedures and constant cleaning of high-touch indoor areas, as well as providing multiple hand sanitizer locations.

There will be many uncertainties and adaptations from โ€œthe normโ€ as we move ahead. We are currently working with industry associations like NSAA (National Ski Areas Association) and Ski California to come up with our tolerances and protocols to ensure that we will maintain a safe operation and enhance guest confidence. Until some of the issues we are working to resolve are addressed, Ski Team and youth program registration (Kidz@Rose & Rose Rangers) have been delayed. On that note, we recommend purchasing a season pass for your child now, and should a ski team or youth program slot be available in the future, a credit will be applied to adjust for the price difference.

tahoe, mt. rose ski tahoe, nevada
Mount Rose Ski Tahoe trail map

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