Palisades Tahoe, CA, Operations Update for End April/Early May

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Sunset over Palisades Tahoe โ€” but itโ€™s not sunset on the ski season just yet! | Picture: Nick McMahon, Palisades Grooming

With Palisades Tahoe, CA, celebrating its best ever season on record with more than 710 inches of snowfall, you might be keen to get some spring or even summer skiing in this year.ย Palisades Tahoe is slated to stay open until at least Independence Day, but may extend the season, depending on how the snow cover fairs during the warmer months. Asย we move into warmer weather and head toward the month of May, mountain operations invariably have to adjust to prevailing snow conditions.

Here is a brief update on what to expect over the next few weeks.Please note: all operations are subject to change based on conditions. Things can change rapidly in the springtime as the snow melts, so please check their blog before heading to the snow.



As a reminder, the resort as a whole will be open 7 days a week in May, but each mountain will be on a 5-day schedule. This means:

  • Palisades will be open Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday in May. Palisades will be CLOSED on Wednesday and Thursday in May.
  • Alpine will be open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in May. Alpine will be CLOSED on Monday and Tuesday in May.
  • Find June & July operating information here.

The plan is for operating hours to be from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. for now, but this could change as we get further into May.


  • The Base to Base Gondola closes on April 30th for the season. It will not re-open in May, June, or for the 4th of July.
  • Resort Chair, Far East, and Red Dog will close for the season on April 30th.
  • Starting May 1st, the resort plans to run KT-22, the Funitel, Siberia, Big Blue, Gold Coast, Shirley, Granite Chief, Mountain Meadow, Baileyโ€™s Beach, and the Aerial Tram.
  • Headwall terrain will stay open, accessed by Reverse Traverse, as conditions allow.
  • Gold Coast Terrain Park and a new Emigrant Gully Terrain Park are FIRING right now, and soon will be the only terrain park in the Lake Tahoe basin. The plan is to continue to add features throughout the month. All Terrain Park offerings will be at Palisades only in the month of May.
Terrain Parks will stay open at Palisades Tahoe and will keep adding new features. | Picture: Blake Kessler Photography via Palisades Tahoe Facebook Page

A note on Silverado: Silverado will unfortunately not re-open again this season. As the large amount of snow in this area has started to melt, pressure on the lift towers has pushed at least two towers out of alignment. This is something that cannot be fixed while snow is still on the ground and pressuring the towers.


  • Lakeview will be questionable after April 30th.
  • Palisades Tahoe will continue to run Meadow, Subway, Treeline Cirque, Roundhouse, Scott, Sherwood, and Summit as conditions and staffing allow.
  • Tiegel Terrain Park will close on Sunday. We will be focusing our Terrain Parks efforts on the Palisades side for the month of May. In June, Terrain Parks will re-open at Alpine.


Stay safe out there and most of all have a ton of spring skiing fun!

Get your Palisades Tahoe spring merch for the perfect spring vibe. | Picture: Palisades Tahoe Facebook Page

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