Snowing Hard at Jay Peak, VT Right Now | 4-8โ€ณ of Snow Forecast Today/Tomorrow | Photo Tour:

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Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak
Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak

Itโ€™s nuking snow at Jay Peak ski resort in Vermont right now.

Jay Peak gets the most snow on the east coast averaging over 300โ€ณ of snow per year.

Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak
Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak

Jay Peaks forecast from NOAA is currently showing 4-8โ€ณ today and tomorrow.


image:  noaa, today
image: noaa, today

Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 9.53.26 AM

4-8" of snow forecast for Jay Peak today and tomorrow.
4-8โ€ณ of snow forecast for Jay Peak today and tomorrow.


Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak
Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak
Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak
Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak
Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak
Jay Peak, VT this morning. photo: jay peak
Jay Peak averages over 300" of snow annually. image: jay peak
Jay Peak averages over 300โ€ณ of snow annually. image: jay peak

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2 thoughts on โ€œSnowing Hard at Jay Peak, VT Right Now | 4-8โ€ณ of Snow Forecast Today/Tomorrow | Photo Tour:โ€

  1. hey your story about the snows in north america said all 6 leading resorts are in canada.
    I live on wolf creek pass and that is in colorado as you listed but the text doesnt fit the data. just FYI and didnt know where else to comment.

    1. Hey Kevin, thanks for the comment and info. Which article are you referring to and what is the correct data? thanks

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