VIDEO: Speeding Skier Inches Away from Season- or Potentially Life-Ending Collision

SnowBrains |

Oh my God! How close was that?! So close to a potentially dangerous head-high collision

It’s always a bad idea to ski or stop just below a ridgeline, but surely the guy filming should also have been spotting? And the jumper isn’t blameless either…

collision, skier, jump, video
This is the face you pull when you almost lost your head… Credit: Facebook

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7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Speeding Skier Inches Away from Season- or Potentially Life-Ending Collision

  1. Responsibility code #2: Person ahead has the right of way.
    Park safety codes: If you can’t see the landing, don’t jump. Always use a spotter (in this case, the spotter didn’t spot).

    1. I agree that the use of a spotter would have been a good way to prevent a potential accident here, but I disagree with you when you cite skier code number two without talking about parts three or four.

      Part 3: You must not stop where you obstruct a trail, or are not visible from above.
      Part 4: Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.

      The person lower on the hill was traversing (merging) just under a ridge, where they A) could not be seen from above and B) failed to look uphill when merging across several ski lanes.

      The person jumping picked a bad place to jump (near the lift where he could not see his landing zone), and did so without a dedicated spotter. But the hill was so empty that I’m inclined to blame the person lower on the hill for failing to look uphill when merging because the jumper had plenty of room, the hill was so empty that this would not have been an issue if the guy traversing had just looked uphill when merging and had chosen somewhere other than under the ridge to do so.

    1. Do not discount that the person seems to be traversing, which means he is MERGING.

      Skier Code #4, “Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.”

  2. “It’s always a bad idea to ski or stop just below a ridgeline, but surely the guy filming should also have been spotting?” Really? You try to blame it on a guy traversing slowly across the slope or a guy filming. If it were possible, the bozo doing something like that should not be allowed on any public slope ever again.

  3. I see one almost every day i ski. So many people skiing and riding way to fast and beyond there ability. Slow signs are clearly for other people. Scary! Way too many collisions happening on the hill.

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