Sun Valley Resort, ID Opened with Top-to-Bottom Skiing and Fresh Snow

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sun valley, Idaho, opening day
A weekend treat! Credit: Sun Valley

What an amazing opening weekend at Sun Valley Resort, ID and there is still so much more to come! The Mountain is open top-to-bottom with excellent skiing and a chance of snow in the forecast.

3,400 vertical feet of skiing/riding is available from top to bottom on the River Run side of the mountain. Lifts running include River Run Express, Lookout Express, Roundhouse Gondola, Christmas chair and the Kinderspiel carpet. At Dollar Mountain, Quarter Dollar and Accelerator Carpet ran as Dollar Mountain opened for the season with a generous offering of learning parks and terrain.

sun valley, Idaho, opening day
Sun Valley Resort, ID looking beautiful in a fresh blanket of white. Credit: Facebook

The snowmakers and groomers have been busy meaning new terrain will open as soon as conditions allow. 3โ€ณ fresh snow on Friday, topped up with an extra 5โ€ณ on Saturday, certainly helped the cause, and conditions over the weekend were sweet. Temperatures will stay low during the week, and look for some more snow closer to the weekend.

sun valley, Idaho, opening day
Conditions should remain good all week. Credit:

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