Mammoth Mountain, CA Conditions Report: Spring Groomers, Wind Buff, and Wild Mountains At the end of every season, a spring Mammoth Mountain trip is called for. We left Donner Summit, CA early on Saturday morning and showed up for some afternoon fun. Friday night brought low temperatures, skiffs of new snow, and high winds, so we took our time and let things heat up. Lower aspects were perfect creamy corn snow– always a spring favorite. Steep wind buffed […] Conditions Report Katy Shipley | May 15, 2018 0 Comments
Mammoth Conditions Report: Windy Corn Harvest We awoke today in Mammoth in a ripping wind. Mammoth was reporting 50-70mph winds at the top of the mountain. When we arrived, we found that it was actually much windier at the bottom of the mountain than at the top. The park is at the bottom of the mountain and was sacraficed to the wind. The park was empty today. The upper mountain, however, wasn’t as windy. The groomers off the […] Conditions Report Miles Clark | May 18, 2014 1 Comment