Ethiopia Taking Strides to Tackle Climate Change Ethiopia is taking ambitious strides to combat climate change by planting five billion trees this year, an initiative started by the prime minister Abiy Ahmed. The first step in a larger plan to build a green climate-resistant economy, the end goal is to plant 20 billion seedlings by 2024. The project, named the Green Legacy, strives to combat environmental degradation while […] Brains Emily Crofton | June 12, 2020 0 Comments
Ethiopia Breaks Record for Most Trees Planted in 12 Hours Ethiopia planted over 353 million trees in 12 hours, which shattered the previous 66 million tree record. The incredible burst of tree planting was part of Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative. Abiy Ahmed, the country’s Prime Minister, founded the project. Ahmed encouraged millions of Ethiopians all over the country to take part in the challenge. After the 12 hour period, Ahmed announced […] Taliana Potts | August 16, 2019 0 Comments