9,624′ Tioga Pass, Ca OPENS To Pass From East Today at 2pm! Tioga Pass road on April 19th, 2017. photo: caltrans district 9 9,624′ Tioga Pass will open to the pass from the east today at 2pm! Tioga Pass holds some of the best spring backcountry skiing in North America. ย The access is incredibly easy once the pass is open from the east. Beyond the pass/Yosemite National Park entrance, there will be […] Industry News SnowBrains | June 20, 2017 0 Comments
CalTrans: Sonora Pass, CA Will NOT Open as Scheduled Today Due To Snowstorm… Again… 9,624′ Sonora Pass was scheduled to open at noon on Saturday. ย Then an unusual June snowstorm rolled in and they pushed back that opening to today, Monday. ย The storm has now dropped 3-6″ of snow on Sonora Pass and it continues to snow today and pass has been forced to remain closed. If they open it tomorrow, there just might […] Industry News SnowBrains | June 12, 2017 0 Comments