Police Take to the Ski Slopes to Ensure COVID-19 Regulation Adherence Police have taken to the slopes in Europe in order to ensure COVID regulation adherence. We’ve all seen bike cops and mall cops, but the COVID-19 pandemic has bred a new type of cop: ski cops! And no, they’re not there to give out speeding tickets, regardless of how fast you think you are. We’ll leave that job to the […] Industry News Miles Wong | February 11, 2021 6 Comments
“Coronaphobia:” The Psychology of Skiing During COVID The people want to ski this winter. Just like any winter. But this winter is different and so are people’s emotions toward it. COVID-19 is affecting the way people think, act, and feel about everything (skiing). And we as skiers and truth-seekers should seek to understand this publicly-shared mentality concerning skiing during a pandemic this season… Here’s what we know […] Brains Martin Kuprianowicz | December 15, 2020 1 Comment