Australian Aircraft Dropping Food For Starving Animals The New South Wales Government is utilizing helicopters and airplanes to assist starving animals affected by the Australian wildfires. Naming the process “Operation Rock Wallaby”, the hope is to help feed the colonies of brush-tailed rock wallabies and marsupials that were able to flee the fire but face destroyed vegetation. With populations of species and natural habitats nearing extinction as a […] Fire Emily Crofton | January 29, 2020 1 Comment
Heart-Wrenching VIDEO: Polar Bears Starving on Iceless Islands “When scientists say bears are going extinct, I want people to realize what it looks like. Bears are going to starve to death.” – photographer Paul Nicklen “This is what climate change looks like. This starving polar bear was spotted by National geographic photographer Paul Nicklen while on an expedition in the Baffin Islands. As temperatures rise, and sea […] SnowBrains | December 8, 2017 0 Comments